Please visit the Volunteer Schedule page for a calendar view of upcoming dates.

Saturday March 31st is the Water Station kick off of activities for 2018! We will install all of the Water Stations on this date.

APRIL – Saturday April 14 and 28
MAY – Saturday May May 12 and 26
JUNE – Saturday June 9 and 23
JULY – Saturday July 7 and 21
AUGUST – Saturday August 4 and 18
SEPTEMBER – Saturday September 1, 15, and 29
OCTOBER – Saturday October 13

The end of season is Saturday October 27, to pick up and store all the water stations.

For more information call Laura Celina Hunter’s cell at (619) 318-0371 or email

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We will meet at 8:00 am at the “Red Feather Café” and Market on Imperial Highway in Ocotillo, CA. The map for directions is at the bottom of this page.

For more information call Laura Celina Hunter’s cell at (619) 318-0371 or email

You mau send a tax deductible donation to:
Water Station
PO Box 2683,
Escondido, CA 92033

If using Pay Pal to make a donation please send payment to or use the Donate page on this site.